Pilgrims Mass

Today we attended the pilgrims mass at the Le Puy cathedral. Of the 75 pilgrims present, we were the only ones from the United States. At least 1/3 of the pilgrims are planning to walk all the way to St James Cathedral in Spain (about 1,000 miles). 

During mass I barely noticed the grate covering the floor next to our pew.
After mass, a blessing, and getting our credentials stamped, the grate was opened to show the steps to the start of our walk.


Sandy Bergan said…
Wow - 1000 miles! What is the total distance that you are planning on walking?
Unknown said…
And so it begins!! Buen Camino you two!
A Haiku for you:
Boots laced, pack on...Go!
Follow the arrows pathway
The Way will provide!
Unknown said…
bon chance Mary!!
Wendy said…
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Anonymous said…
Nice pictures! I have been there 15 years ago. My favorite region (Auvergne) for Saint-Nectaire and Cantal! - Wendy