
Showing posts from May 21, 2017

Orphans in Lectoure

We woke up early this morning.  We couldn't help it. The other pilgrims we were sharing our dormitory with had set their alarm to go off smartly at 5 a.m.

Nuclear Sunset

More than 75% of France's electricity comes from nuclear power.  For the past four days we have seen, from the distance,  the condensate  plumes


We have walked through many villages along the way, and each one has a church.  We always enter, leaving our poles at the entrance, and pause for a moment of reflection: perhaps because that's what pilgrims have done for centuries, or simply because they are a change of pace from the constant steps that make up our day.  We've come to appreciate these little interludes.  We are usually the only ones there, and in a strange way we always feel welcome.

One Path Many Ways (addendum)

Is this what they mean when they talk about bringing pack dogs on the way?

Leaving the Lot

After spending a week crossing, climbing up from​, climbing down to, and walking along, it's time to bid the Lot river adeau. Cahors provided a fitting send-off: crossing France's most beautiful bridge followed by acending a cliff, stairs carved out of the limestone and off South to new adventures. We've walked almost 52 miles in the past 3 days, in lots of weather, while struggling to book accommodations over (yet another) holiday weekend.  So we're a bit behind.

Acts of Kindness

When we got to France, Mary got a French SIM card and local number for her phone.  We bought lots of Internet data, assuming we would be using the web and email to find and book lodging along the way.  When Mary ran out of data, we could "top her up" on the Orange (nee France Telecom) website.  However, with data service limited and most places expecting phone calls (remember those?), she ran out of minutes, which we couldn't buy more of via the website.

Sunday - a day of rest (part 2)

We enjoyed a day keeping our boots off and exploring Cahors. 

Fields of poppies

Like others before us we've been blown away by the fields of flowers along the paths we've been walking.

Sunday - a day of rest
